Girl with Vanilla Cone - Sold
Girl with Vanilla Cone - Sold
Icthyology II - SOLD
Icthyology II - SOLD
Glamour Puss - SOLD
Glamour Puss - SOLD
Sequestered Studio Space - SOLD
Sequestered Studio Space - SOLD
Desert Scene - SOLD
Desert Scene - SOLD
Life Among the Leisure Class
Life Among the Leisure Class
Award Winning Headache
Award Winning Headache
Banjo Players Dream
Banjo Players Dream
A Moment of Rare Insight - SOLD
A Moment of Rare Insight - SOLD
Robot Handyman - SOLD
Robot Handyman - SOLD
Secret Neighborhood Map
Secret Neighborhood Map
Self Absorbed Selfie
Self Absorbed Selfie
Jug Band Blues - SOLD
Jug Band Blues - SOLD
Ladies Who Latte
Ladies Who Latte
Ukulele Virtuoso - SOLD
Ukulele Virtuoso - SOLD
Medical Review Board
Medical Review Board
Froggy's Moonlight Serenade - SOLD
Froggy's Moonlight Serenade - SOLD
Ukulele Cheesecake - SOLD
Ukulele Cheesecake - SOLD
Pale K. Lua with David Kaili - SOLD
Pale K. Lua with David Kaili - SOLD
Robot Family Portrait - SOLD
Robot Family Portrait - SOLD
The Arachnoid’s Drummer - SOLD
The Arachnoid’s Drummer - SOLD
Turkey Vultures - Sold
Turkey Vultures - Sold
Ukulele: the Jumping Flea - SOLD
Ukulele: the Jumping Flea - SOLD
Assault on the Senses - SOLD
Assault on the Senses - SOLD
Guardians of the Alley - SOLD
Guardians of the Alley - SOLD
Floweriness with Bugs - SOLD
Floweriness with Bugs - SOLD
Alpha Centauri Dogs - SOLD
Alpha Centauri Dogs - SOLD
Eddie Peabody's Apparition - SOLD
Eddie Peabody's Apparition - SOLD
Faceted Face-Off
Faceted Face-Off
So It Goes - SOLD
So It Goes - SOLD
Mickey Rat's Guffaw - SOLD
Mickey Rat's Guffaw - SOLD
Opposing Hypotheticals - Sold
Opposing Hypotheticals - Sold
Traffic Tie-Up on Tooley Terrace - SOLD
Traffic Tie-Up on Tooley Terrace - SOLD
The Blonde Archtop - SOLD
The Blonde Archtop - SOLD
Ipso Facto Abstracto
Ipso Facto Abstracto
Lindy Hoppers - SOLD
Lindy Hoppers - SOLD
Laughing Boy - SOLD
Laughing Boy - SOLD
Selection of Trophies
Selection of Trophies
Portrait of an Old Duffer - SOLD
Portrait of an Old Duffer - SOLD
String Ticklers - SOLD
String Ticklers - SOLD
Packed Dance Floor - Sold
Packed Dance Floor - Sold
The Louisville Slugger - SOLD
The Louisville Slugger - SOLD
...Never Asks for Directions - SOLD
...Never Asks for Directions - SOLD
The Food Critic - SOLD
The Food Critic - SOLD
Street Scene from Another Planet
Street Scene from Another Planet
The Rapture
The Rapture
Robot Band
Robot Band
Dance-a-thon - SOLD
Dance-a-thon - SOLD
The Lost Supper - SOLD
The Lost Supper - SOLD
Mud and Sinkers - SOLD
Mud and Sinkers - SOLD
Alien Infomercial - SOLD
Alien Infomercial - SOLD
Sunday Painter - SOLD
Sunday Painter - SOLD
Jug Band Special - SOLD
Jug Band Special - SOLD
Tremor in Toytown - SOLD
Tremor in Toytown - SOLD
Maxwell Street Singer - SOLD
Maxwell Street Singer - SOLD
Remote Possibilities - SOLD
Remote Possibilities - SOLD
Joyride with Mickey Rat - SOLD
Joyride with Mickey Rat - SOLD
Pizza Face, Four Eyes & Bonehead - SOLD
Pizza Face, Four Eyes & Bonehead - SOLD
Mickey Rat's Pizza Party - SOLD
Mickey Rat's Pizza Party - SOLD
Orbiting Planet Z - SOLD
Orbiting Planet Z - SOLD
The Lost Shopper - SOLD
The Lost Shopper - SOLD
The Belle of the Mini Links - SOLD
The Belle of the Mini Links - SOLD
Twister in a Trailer Park - SOLD
Twister in a Trailer Park - SOLD
Cultural Detritus
Cultural Detritus
Desert Brainstorm - SOLD
Desert Brainstorm - SOLD
The Black Phantom on the Job - SOLD
The Black Phantom on the Job - SOLD
Discussing Pet Peeves - SOLD
Discussing Pet Peeves - SOLD
The Rat at Leisure - SOLD
The Rat at Leisure - SOLD
Pedestrians du Jour - SOLD
Pedestrians du Jour - SOLD
Intergalactic Buskers - SOLD
Intergalactic Buskers - SOLD
The Chew Out - SOLD
The Chew Out - SOLD
The Polemicist
The Polemicist
Family Vacation Spot - SOLD
Family Vacation Spot - SOLD
Hula Lou and Her Band - SOLD
Hula Lou and Her Band - SOLD
Tiki Vindication - SOLD
Tiki Vindication - SOLD
Bumper Fun - SOLD
Bumper Fun - SOLD
Self Portrait of the Artist in his Garret - SOLD
Self Portrait of the Artist in his Garret - SOLD
The Guffaw - SOLD
The Guffaw - SOLD
Sustenance on a Stick - SOLD
Sustenance on a Stick - SOLD
Riffin' and Jivin' - SOLD
Riffin' and Jivin' - SOLD
The Banjo Club - SOLD
The Banjo Club - SOLD
Sentenced to Commute - SOLD
Sentenced to Commute - SOLD
Helluva Hot Dance Group - SOLD
Helluva Hot Dance Group - SOLD
Microbial Swap Meet - SOLD
Microbial Swap Meet - SOLD
Rinkum Ditty Cha Cha - SOLD
Rinkum Ditty Cha Cha - SOLD
TV Dinner for Two - SOLD
TV Dinner for Two - SOLD
TV Held Hostage - SOLD
TV Held Hostage - SOLD
Men and Their Shoes - SOLD
Men and Their Shoes - SOLD
Hitting a High C at High Noon - SOLD
Hitting a High C at High Noon - SOLD
Girl with Vanilla Cone - Sold
Girl with Vanilla Cone - SoldSold, 10.5” x 15.5”, oil on shaped and layered Masonite with painted frame, 2016
Icthyology II - SOLD
Icthyology II - SOLDSOLD, oil on Masonite with painted carved frame, 20” x 28.5”, 2017
Glamour Puss - SOLD
Glamour Puss - SOLDSOLD, 12" x 15", oil on Masonite with shaped and built-up surface, 2016
Sequestered Studio Space - SOLD
Sequestered Studio Space - SOLDSOLD, 19.5” x 23.5”, oil on canvas with painted carved frame, 2016
Desert Scene - SOLD
Desert Scene - SOLDSOLD, 20.75” x 24.75”, oil on canvas with painted frame
Life Among the Leisure Class
Life Among the Leisure Class$600, 19" x 22", oil on Masonite with antique frame, 2016
Award Winning Headache
Award Winning Headache$300, 10” x 13”, oil on shaped and pieced Masonite, 2016
Banjo Players Dream
Banjo Players Dream$750, 18.5” x 24.5”, oil on Masonite with painted frame, 2017
A Moment of Rare Insight - SOLD
A Moment of Rare Insight - SOLDSOLD, 20.5” x 24.5”, oil on canvas with painted frame, 2017
Robot Handyman - SOLD
Robot Handyman - SOLDSOLD, 11" x 14", oil on canvas, 2014
Secret Neighborhood Map
Secret Neighborhood Map$750, 15.5” x 20.5”, oil on Masonite with painted frame, 2015
Self Absorbed Selfie
Self Absorbed Selfie$350, 10” x 13”, oil on Masonite with shaped and built-up surface, 2016
Jug Band Blues - SOLD
Jug Band Blues - SOLD$450, 13.5” x 17.5”, oil on Masonite with painted frame, 2017
Ladies Who Latte
Ladies Who Latte$850, 21” x 25”, oil on canvas with painted carved frame, 2015
Ukulele Virtuoso - SOLD
Ukulele Virtuoso - SOLDSOLD, 12" x 14", oil on shaped and pieced Masonite with painted frame, 2017
Medical Review Board
Medical Review Board$300, 13.5” x 13.5”, oil on Masonite with painted frame, 2017
Froggy's Moonlight Serenade - SOLD
Froggy's Moonlight Serenade - SOLD$400, 11” x 12.5”, oil on Masonite with antique frame
Ukulele Cheesecake - SOLD
Ukulele Cheesecake - SOLDSOLD, 20.5” x 24.5”, oil on canvas with painted carved frame
Pale K. Lua with David Kaili - SOLD
Pale K. Lua with David Kaili - SOLDSOLD
Robot Family Portrait - SOLD
Robot Family Portrait - SOLDSOLD, 11” x 14”, oil on canvas, 2014
The Arachnoid’s Drummer - SOLD
The Arachnoid’s Drummer - SOLDSOLD, 19" x 20", oil on Masonite with carved and painted frame, 2016
Turkey Vultures - Sold
Turkey Vultures - SoldSold, 14” x 18”, oil on Masonite with antique frame, 2016
Ukulele: the Jumping Flea - SOLD
Ukulele: the Jumping Flea - SOLDSOLD, 16.25” x 17”, oil on canvasboard with painted frame, 2011
Assault on the Senses - SOLD
Assault on the Senses - SOLD
Guardians of the Alley - SOLD
Guardians of the Alley - SOLD12" x 16", oil on masonite with painted frame, SOLD
Floweriness with Bugs - SOLD
Floweriness with Bugs - SOLD21" x 29", oil on masonite with carved and painted frame
Alpha Centauri Dogs - SOLD
Alpha Centauri Dogs - SOLD19" x 25", oil on masonite with carved and painted frame
Eddie Peabody's Apparition - SOLD
Eddie Peabody's Apparition - SOLD20" x 24", oil on canvas board with carved and painted frame
Faceted Face-Off
Faceted Face-Off$1500, 24" x 24", oil on masonite with carved and painted frame
So It Goes - SOLD
So It Goes - SOLD23" x 28 1/2", oil on masonite with carved and painted frame
Mickey Rat's Guffaw - SOLD
Mickey Rat's Guffaw - SOLD
Opposing Hypotheticals - Sold
Opposing Hypotheticals - SoldSold, 21" x 25", oil on canvas with carved and painted frame
Traffic Tie-Up on Tooley Terrace - SOLD
Traffic Tie-Up on Tooley Terrace - SOLD
The Blonde Archtop - SOLD
The Blonde Archtop - SOLD7" x 9"
Ipso Facto Abstracto
Ipso Facto Abstracto$600, 16" x 24", Oil on masonite
Lindy Hoppers - SOLD
Lindy Hoppers - SOLD12" x 15"
Concatenations$750, 20" x 27", oil on masonite with carved and painted frame
Laughing Boy - SOLD
Laughing Boy - SOLD10 1/2" x 14", oil on masonite
Selection of Trophies
Selection of Trophies$550, 14" x 17", oil on canvas with painted frame
Portrait of an Old Duffer - SOLD
Portrait of an Old Duffer - SOLD8" x 10", painted masonite bas relief
String Ticklers - SOLD
String Ticklers - SOLDSOLD, 16" x 20", oil on canvas with antique frame
Packed Dance Floor - Sold
Packed Dance Floor - SoldSold, 24 1/2" x 34", oil on masonite with carved and painted frame
The Louisville Slugger - SOLD
The Louisville Slugger - SOLD
...Never Asks for Directions - SOLD
...Never Asks for Directions - SOLD
The Food Critic - SOLD
The Food Critic - SOLD
Street Scene from Another Planet
Street Scene from Another Planet$1500
The Rapture
The Rapture$850
Robot Band
Robot Band
Dance-a-thon - SOLD
Dance-a-thon - SOLD20" X 25", Oil on Masonite w/ carved and painted frame
The Lost Supper - SOLD
The Lost Supper - SOLD
Mud and Sinkers - SOLD
Mud and Sinkers - SOLD
Alien Infomercial - SOLD
Alien Infomercial - SOLD
Sunday Painter - SOLD
Sunday Painter - SOLD
Jug Band Special - SOLD
Jug Band Special - SOLD
Tremor in Toytown - SOLD
Tremor in Toytown - SOLD
Maxwell Street Singer - SOLD
Maxwell Street Singer - SOLD
Remote Possibilities - SOLD
Remote Possibilities - SOLD
Joyride with Mickey Rat - SOLD
Joyride with Mickey Rat - SOLD
Pizza Face, Four Eyes & Bonehead - SOLD
Pizza Face, Four Eyes & Bonehead - SOLD
Mickey Rat's Pizza Party - SOLD
Mickey Rat's Pizza Party - SOLD
Orbiting Planet Z - SOLD
Orbiting Planet Z - SOLD
The Lost Shopper - SOLD
The Lost Shopper - SOLD
The Belle of the Mini Links - SOLD
The Belle of the Mini Links - SOLD
Twister in a Trailer Park - SOLD
Twister in a Trailer Park - SOLD
Cultural Detritus
Cultural Detritus$550
Desert Brainstorm - SOLD
Desert Brainstorm - SOLD
The Black Phantom on the Job - SOLD
The Black Phantom on the Job - SOLD
Discussing Pet Peeves - SOLD
Discussing Pet Peeves - SOLD
The Rat at Leisure - SOLD
The Rat at Leisure - SOLD
Pedestrians du Jour - SOLD
Pedestrians du Jour - SOLD
Intergalactic Buskers - SOLD
Intergalactic Buskers - SOLDSOLD
The Chew Out - SOLD
The Chew Out - SOLD
The Polemicist
The Polemicist$400
Family Vacation Spot - SOLD
Family Vacation Spot - SOLD
Hula Lou and Her Band - SOLD
Hula Lou and Her Band - SOLD
Tiki Vindication - SOLD
Tiki Vindication - SOLD
Bumper Fun - SOLD
Bumper Fun - SOLD
Self Portrait of the Artist in his Garret - SOLD
Self Portrait of the Artist in his Garret - SOLDSOLD
The Guffaw - SOLD
The Guffaw - SOLD
Sustenance on a Stick - SOLD
Sustenance on a Stick - SOLD
Riffin' and Jivin' - SOLD
Riffin' and Jivin' - SOLD
The Banjo Club - SOLD
The Banjo Club - SOLD
Sentenced to Commute - SOLD
Sentenced to Commute - SOLD
Helluva Hot Dance Group - SOLD
Helluva Hot Dance Group - SOLD
Microbial Swap Meet - SOLD
Microbial Swap Meet - SOLD
Rinkum Ditty Cha Cha - SOLD
Rinkum Ditty Cha Cha - SOLD
TV Dinner for Two - SOLD
TV Dinner for Two - SOLD
TV Held Hostage - SOLD
TV Held Hostage - SOLD
Men and Their Shoes - SOLD
Men and Their Shoes - SOLD
Hitting a High C at High Noon - SOLD
Hitting a High C at High Noon - SOLD
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